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We aspire to be a leading training, research and consulting institution facilitating quality and participatory development in sub-Saharan Africa.


We exist to provide market and needs-driven services aimed at transforming people, communities, organizations/institutions, towards poverty alleviation and restoration of human dignity.


We exist to provide market and needs-driven services aimed at transforming people, communities, organizations/institutions, towards poverty alleviation and restoration of human dignity.

Our services are anchored by the following core values:

  • We believe in transparency and accountability in all our professional undertakings. By anchoring our operations on these core values, we commit ourselves to promoting effective stakeholder participation, teamwork and the spirit of openness.
  • We are a partner-focused organization. We exist interdependently with the people and organizations that we serve. We value and recognize each organization as a unique entity.
  • We respect the work and expertise of our partner organizations by upholding the tenets of gender diversity and inclusiveness, which we believe are critical for decision making in attaining a holistic approach to issues.
  • We embrace an open organizational operating style that proactively builds and strengthens internal mechanisms of self-regulation with self-appraisals and timely resolutions of issues.
  • We are a self-learning organization, which believes in creativity and innovation.


  • Participatory Development Approaches (Participatory Techniques for Community Development; Participatory Learning and Action (PLA/PRA) methodologies; Training of Facilitators/Trainers (TOF/TOT), Advocacy and Lobbying, Gender Mainstreaming in Development, Peace Building Initiatives, Conflict Resolution and Management)
  • Organizational / Institutional Development (Organizational Development (OD) Training; Organizational Capacity Assessment; Strategic Planning; Leadership and Governance; Training Needs Assessment and Adult centered Curriculum Development; Development of organizational Policies, Systems and Procedures)
  • Project Design, development and implementation (Project Design and Planning using the Logical Framework Analysis (LFA), Project Proposal Development, Project Cycle Management)
  • Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (Results Based Project Management, Result Oriented Report Writing, Rights Based Project Planning)
  • Participatory Research (Baseline surveys and Feasibility studies; Operational Research; Participatory Social Studies)
    Livelihood Enhancement (HIV/AIDS and Development; Micro Enterprise Development; Food Security; Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation)
  • Youth Development (Life Skills Training; Youth in Leadership and Development; Managing Youth Organizations for Development)
    Child Protection and Development (Right based Programming; Child Rights; Child Abuse; Child and Protection)
    Promotion and Management of Community Based Healthcare